© Chris Ratcliffe / WWF-UK

Tell your MP to stand up for nature

Studland, following fires of August 2022. Studland is part of Purbeck Heaths Super National Nature Reserve, one of the most biodiverse places in the country.  Dorset, UK
© National Trust / Steve Haywood

With every day that our leaders delay action, more of the vital nature we have left is being destroyed.  

In just two clicks you can make a difference. Tell your MP to stand up for nature, and:

  • Strengthen legal protection for nature and make sure it’s properly enforced 
  • Put nature at the heart of all decision making 
  • Make it mandatory for businesses to do no harm to nature 
  • Double financial support for nature-friendly farming 
A mute swan paddles through plastic in Manchester. The River Tame in Greater Manchester recently recorded the highest level of microplastics anywhere in the world
© Sam Hobson / WWF-UK

Don't ignore this

We all know that nature is in crisis. The UK is one of the 10% most nature-depleted countries in the world – and we’re running out of time. Our legacy will be nature’s destruction unless our leaders act now.

We are facing a massive challenge, and we need to act fast. But there is definitely hope. The science is clear about what we need to do. There are already amazing people transforming farms, businesses, urban spaces, transport networks, energy, supply chains, and creating communities for nature. We just need more of it.

You can make a difference in just two clicks by telling your MP to put an immediate halt to the destruction of nature. If enough of us take action, then we can’t be ignored.

Nature is in crisis, but together we can save it.